Speeches for Birthdays and other occasions
I coached my client to give a speech at her Mother's birthday celebration. It made me think about a piece I wrote earlier this year.
(Michael Leunig's beautiful drawing)
"I'm helping my client write a speech he will give to his father on the his 76th birthday. His father is terminally ill and after 3 years of medical intervention is at the end of his journey.
As we were whiteboarding the draft of his speech, my client made it quite apparent that his dad was a man who didn't express his love for his five children (and now adults) and was a feisty, earthy, man of few words.
My client had never before spoken in public but we
unearthed some gems when I asked him to think of incidents in his life when he felt warmth towards his father. One such time was when he and his brother were having tennis lessons every Saturday - and his father would arrive in his daggy old gardening clothes - covered in grass and leaves from mowing and gardening.
They were trying to impress the tennis girls and were mortified at the sight of their dad every Saturday - as he brought them sandwiches and a bottle of soft drink for their half time break.
If that's not love then I don't know what is.
My client's speech was a winner, with laughing and crying - it's all the same thing!
And if your parent is not a demonstrative person, then I guess it's not that they don't love you."

My idea of heaven: life and business in Canberra. Helping my clients lose their nervousness at Speaking in Public. Presenting World Music at ArtSound FM Radio 92.7 www.artsound.fm. World Masters Squash Torino, 2013 and Hong Kong 2014. All my life I have wanted to sing Opera. Now training with Rosemary Lohmann, Voice Teacher. I'm Speaker Coach at TEDxCanberra 2013, 2014, 2016 and now, 2017! Coaching works! Ask me.... sofia@speak2us.com.au
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Contemporary Public Speaking
Just as the “command and control” approach to management has become outdated, so too has the authoritarian, didactic style of public speaking. Thankfully it’s on its way out.
In its place is something I teach and pass on
to my clients. I call it “contemporary public speaking”. It is more in line with the Ted Talks
protocol - careful construction, shorter, rather than longer. And, most
importantly, connecting with the audience, in an ordinary person-person
The best way to connect with an audience is to
have a conversation with them. Talk to them like you would with one person.
Ask them questions - rhetorical and actual.
Rather than state to them, for example, “There are three thousand Retailers in this City” - say “how many Retailers would you think there
are in this City?”
Posing questions to your audience results in
more than connection. It focuses the audience
on the question at hand. They feel consulted and involved. So, my tip is to analyse your talk and see
where you can pose questions that involve your listeners.
This style of contemporary speaking has so many
rewards for the Speaker. Not setting
yourself up as the expert, it is so much easier to use your authentic voice.
Interacting as much as possible breaks down much of the fear and nerves that
may affect the Speaker.
Your authentic voice reveals much about who you
are. In the long gone era it was often
more about who you were pretending to be. So many of my clients have said they dreaded
being asked a question for which they didn’t have an answer. This
suggests they were using a voice and a delivery that wasn’t their authentic self. And they were not comfortable or confident.
A conversational tone of voice is easier to sustain. The words you choose and your tone of voice
are critical components of your communication. Imagine for yourself the impact
on an audience and the difference between these two messages:
I am going to tell you about the history of Easter Island and the sculptured
“My conversation with you today will be
about Easter Island. I’ll
share with you some interesting facts and I’ll be asking
you for your thoughts about the historical context. We can do some imagining as to how those
sculptured heads have lasted until today.”
Tone of voice is also critical because it
reveals your enthusiasm for your topic - your attitude towards your audience
and whether or not you have managed to engage them.
Contemporary public speaking involves a lot
more than I have just described. Careful
construction of your talk - appropriate words and message to match the research
you have done into the needs of your audience.
And then, of course, there is the delivery! A whole subject in itself.
Next time you, as a Manager, speak to your employees,
use a “person-to person” conversational tone. You’ll find it’s a practice that
benefits you, the employees and the whole organisation.
Next time you speak to an audience - treat it
as “a conversation with
friends.” You will be rewarded
with a close connection to your audience.
You will enjoy, yes enjoy, Contemporary Public Speaking.
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