2017 - Bring it on!
Here we are - the second month of the new year - 2017! Have you ever known such a tumultuous start to a new year?
I've begun coaching my new 2017 clients and resumed with ongoing clients, including some returning to refresh their skills for upcoming speaking roles. Underlying everything we learn together is our uptake of the one ingredient that can make a huge difference to our lives.
That ingredient is CONFIDENCE!
That ingredient is CONFIDENCE!
Your level of confidence as a speaker is profoundly visible in your personality, your voice and your body language.
Confidence. How can you find it? Where do you get it? Why do you need it?
Think of the wide range of skills you have acquired in your life. Learning to study in your chosen discipline or trade, playing a sport, playing a musical instrument . How did you acquire these skills? You found a teacher or coach, you learned the techniques; and you practised them. And very likely you are still practising and refining those skills!
It's the same with public speaking. You find a coach, you learn the techniques; and then you practise like mad!
Your confidence grows

As a public speaking coach I have one absolute statement for you:
"There is nothing that will take you to where you want to be in life than the ability to think on your feet, choose the right words and speak with CONFIDENCE!"